
My philosophy on connective tissue health is to treat the whole rather than the affected, and the cause rather than the symptom. My passion is b. l. i. ss.

When we think about the words “healing”, “pain”, and “dysfunction”, we often associate them with words like “eternal”, “perpetual”, and “expensive”. Often, this is a result of our own negative experiences with pain and various treatment strategies. This is unfortunate, and it doesn’t have to be this way. There is another approach. My treatment philosophy involves the following five words: Body, Life, Integrity, Somatic, and Science. In short, “b. l. i. s. s.”.

Body. Life. Integrity. Somatic. Science.

  • I believe the body has the capacity to heal itself,  with the guidance of an experienced practitioner.
  • I believe in treating for quality of lifewhich means different things to different people depending on their priorities and value systems.
  • I value integrity and believe it’s represented in the human body. In fact, the human body is a tensegrity structure“, where the compression components (bones/skeleton) are connected through a network of tense cables, creating the tension components (fascia, tendon, ligament, and muscle).
  • I treat somatic pain – pain originating in the skin, ligament, muscle, bone, and joint.
  • I firmly believe ‘science is knowledge’,  attained through study and practice. I currently study medical research to maintain an evidence based practice.

I practice Neuromuscular Manual Therapy for:

  • Injury prevention & rehabilitation
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Professional athletes
  • Motor vehicle accident injuries


Marsha G. Clarke, RMT, BHSc. (she/her)
Was born, raised and professionally trained on Canada’s east coast. Originating from Newfoundland, and studying in Halifax, NS where she attended ICT Northumberland College for her diploma in Massage Therapy. She received her Bachelor of Health Science degree through Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC. Marsha currently practices as an RMT in Vancouver, British Columbia, with more then 15 years of experience in the industry.

Marsha is a former instructor for VCMT, supervising a clinical outreach in Vancouver’s DTES.

Marsha is a registered massage therapist in good standing with the college of massage therapist, BC (CMTBC).

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